Safety Tips For Leaving A Child Alone At Home

Children can't be expected to care for themselves; even family courts don't take kindly to parents who leave children unattended at home. In fact, such an issue may come up during child custody hearings. Therefore, before you leave your kid alone at home, make sure they will be safe for the duration of your absence. Here are some of the things you can do before leaving a child alone at home: [Read More]

Faqs About A DUI Arrest

Regardless of whether this is your first time being arrested for driving under the influence or if you have a previous offense, the arrest could have a long-term effect on your life. How much of an effect depends on several factors, including your state's laws. If you have been arrested for a DUI, here is what you need to know. Can the Charge Be Reduced to Wet Reckless? A wet reckless charge basically means that you were arrested for driving recklessly and alcohol was involved. [Read More]

Two Important Questions To Consider Before Choosing A Pesonal Injury Lawyer If You Have Been Injured By A Recalled Medication

You may have noticed that in recent years, some of the medications that that have been approved by the FDA have later been recalled due to safety issues. In some cases, people have sickened, been injured or even died as the result of taking that prescribed medication during the time that it was available. If you or a loved one have been impacted by a medication that was recalled and that medication created medical problems for many other consumers, it is crucial to speak with a personal injury lawyer with experience in class action lawsuits as soon as possible. [Read More]

How To Change A Regular Corporation To An S Corporation

One of the most important characteristics of a corporation is that shareholders are not personally liable for obligations of the company. A negative aspect is that profits are taxed first at the corporate level and then at the personal level as dividends. Corporate shareholders may retain liability protection and avoid double taxation by electing to change their company to an S corporation. The election to be classified as an S corporation is for tax purposes only. [Read More]