
Faqs About A DUI Arrest

Regardless of whether this is your first time being arrested for driving under the influence or if you have a previous offense, the arrest could have a long-term effect on your life. How much of an effect depends on several factors, including your state's laws. If you have been arrested for a DUI, here is what you need to know. Can the Charge Be Reduced to Wet Reckless? A wet reckless charge basically means that you were arrested for driving recklessly and alcohol was involved.

Two Important Questions To Consider Before Choosing A Pesonal Injury Lawyer If You Have Been Injured By A Recalled Medication

You may have noticed that in recent years, some of the medications that that have been approved by the FDA have later been recalled due to safety issues. In some cases, people have sickened, been injured or even died as the result of taking that prescribed medication during the time that it was available. If you or a loved one have been impacted by a medication that was recalled and that medication created medical problems for many other consumers, it is crucial to speak with a personal injury lawyer with experience in class action lawsuits as soon as possible.

How To Change A Regular Corporation To An S Corporation

One of the most important characteristics of a corporation is that shareholders are not personally liable for obligations of the company. A negative aspect is that profits are taxed first at the corporate level and then at the personal level as dividends. Corporate shareholders may retain liability protection and avoid double taxation by electing to change their company to an S corporation. The election to be classified as an S corporation is for tax purposes only.

3 Tips For Saving Money On Estate Taxes

Throughout your life you will pay a lot of money in taxes. No one can escape paying taxes, not even in death. There are death and estate taxes put in place, so that even after you pass away, the government will take some of your money. Although you cannot prevent all of the taxes, you can do some things to help you protect your money. Here are a couple tips for saving on estate taxes.

Find Out About Your Spouses Big Debts After The Big Day? Talk With A Lawyer About A Post-Nuptial Agreement ASAP

Did you say "I do" before you knew about the financial baggage that your spouse is carrying, and you are worried about getting stuck with their debt in a divorce? Money problems are stressful, and you had a right to know the truth. There are a few things you can do to protect yourself even if you're already married. You can get a post nuptial agreement to help protect yourself if the two of you split, and you can include a variety of things in the document.

The SSA Isn't Perfect: Common Mistakes That Lead To Benefit Claim Denials

Mistakes happen to the best of us. However, when a judge or someone else involved in the social security administration or a judge makes a mistake, this can create a lot of headaches when you apply for social security disability. Under these situations, you will need the assistance of a lawyer to fight for your rights. The Medical Source Statement Isn't Considered You rely on the opinion of a physician regarding your ability to work and how injured you happen to be.

2 Tips For Protecting Your Estate Plan From Being Contested In Court

Everyone knows how important it is to have an estate plan. But what they don't know is that many estate plans are contested in court because the author made mistakes when either drafting or executing that plan. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to protect your estate plan from going to court to be contested. Here are a couple tips. 1. Get The Estate Plan While You Are In Sound Mind

3 Things You Need To Know About Getting Custody Of Your Grandchild

The number of children being raised by their grandparents is on the rise, with statistics showing a 64% increase over the last two decades. When parents aren't capable of providing for their children, a grandparent can step in to fill the void. If you are thinking of petitioning the court for custody of your own grandchildren, here are three things you will need to know in order to mount a successful case.

Child Custody Evaluations: What You Need To Know

It would be wonderful for all concerned if important divorce issues like child custody could be worked out in advance, but all too often this becomes a contentious legal fight. If you and your spouse cannot sit down and work out a fair and workable child custody and visitation arrangement, the judge must do the deciding in a courtroom. Some judges use a custody evaluator to help them make the custody decision.

Personal Injury Cases: 5 Types Of Damages That Can Be Claimed

If you are injured in an accident because of another person's negligence, you may be considering a personal injury claim. Whether your compensation is awarded by a settlement or ordered by a judge, the compensation for your injuries will be based on your damages. Here are some of the damages that may be recovered through your personal injury case: Medical Costs The cost of the medical care that you have received for your injuries is reimbursable, but so is the cost of your anticipated care.