
How Can Intestate Succession Impact Your Estate?

Ideally, everyone should take time to make plans for their estate before it is too late. Unfortunately, not everyone does. If you have not completed your estate planning, it is important that you understand what could possibly happen with your assets after your death.  What Is Intestate Succession? Each state practices intestate succession. Intestate succession is a plan that the state laws outline for distributing assets after someone dies without a will.

3 Questions Answered About A Wrongful Death Claim

Dealing with the loss of a loved one due to the negligence of another individual or business can be devastating. It's ideal to work to get the justice you deserve by filing a wrongful death claim if possible. However, there are certain criteria that must be met. It's in your best interest to have some questions answered about this unfortunate situation before taking legal action.  Question #1: What qualifies as wrongful death?

A Different Kind Of Medical Exam: What To Know About SSD Consultative Exams

The federal government provides a valuable resource for those unable to work at their jobs because of a qualifying medical condition. Social Security Disability (SSD) allows people who have paid into the system by working enough and earning enough to stop working and earn monthly benefits. For some claimants, the application process may involve a request by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to undergo a medical exam. The consultative medical exam (CME) often becomes part of the application process when you have not received medical care for your condition or have not provided enough medical proof of your condition.

A Few Tips For Victims Of Slip And Fall Accidents

Slipping and falling may not seem like it is a serious accident to experience. However, it is possible for a person to suffer extensive injuries as a result of these falls. When this occurs, it is critical for the slip and fall victim to be informed about their rights as an accident victim. To this end, you may benefit from learning about the following few tips so that you are better prepared to protect yourself following one of these incidents.

Myths About Trusts You Can't Afford To Believe

A living trust is a legally binding document that you create at some point during your lifetime. Much like a will, a trust allows you to designate who inherits your assets when you die. The difference between a will and a trust is that a will only goes into effect after your death and after it has been entered into probate. If you are considering a living trust, there are some misconceptions about them that may end up costing you more money in the long run.

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a trying experience and a confusing one at that. There might be several questions you have about the process of going through a divorce. Read on and discover just a few answers for some of the most commonly asked questions about the divorce process. If you are going through a divorce, it is probably within your best interest to discuss these matters in a more robust and in depth manner with a local and trusted divorce attorney.

Red Flags That May Mean A Spouse Is Hiding Finances During Divorce

Many people would do anything to hide assets from their partners during divorce. That is why you need to be alert to the red flags of hidden assets if you are divorcing your partner. Here are some of the classic warning signs you shouldn't ignore: Lifestyle Doesn't Match Reported Income Be wary of an expensive lifestyle that doesn't match your spouse's reported income. In many cases, it means that there is an unreported source of income or a hidden bank account from which the person is drawing funds to spend.

Faqs About Miranda Rights

Most people are familiar with Miranda rights, but there is some question regarding what impact they can have on a criminal case. For some, there is an assumption that the failure to read the rights to a suspect results in an automatic dismissal of the charges he or she is facing. What impact not reading the rights has on a case depends on various factors. Here is what you need to know to understand the impact Miranda rights can have on your case.

Steps To Take After A Cruise Ship Injury

Getting injured on the cruise can sap all of the joy away from your vacation, but you may be able to get a hefty compensation for your injuries. Here are some steps to follow if you're injured on a cruise.  Step 1: Collect Your Evidence It's important to thoroughly document what happened while you're still on the cruise, since once you leave the cruise it will be much more difficult to get the evidence you need.

Safety Tips For Leaving A Child Alone At Home

Children can't be expected to care for themselves; even family courts don't take kindly to parents who leave children unattended at home. In fact, such an issue may come up during child custody hearings. Therefore, before you leave your kid alone at home, make sure they will be safe for the duration of your absence. Here are some of the things you can do before leaving a child alone at home: